I was just surfing on the net and I stumbled on something about global warming and then I wanted to collect some "latest" global warming news for here. I want to share them with you;
-Species extinction still rising, experts warn>>
This story tells us about some species which have been added to a global database of threatened species. From the lowland gorillas of Africa to corals of the Galapagos Islands, more than 16,300 species are threatened with extinction, the group said in releasing its annual Red List.
For the first time, corals were added to the list due to threats that include the warm-water Pacific Ocean pattern El Nino and global warming. "The fact that corals are now present on the IUCN's Red List should sound warning bells to the world that the oceans are in trouble," said Simon Cripps, director of the global marine program at the World Wildlife Fund, an IUCN partner.
- 5 Deadliest Effect of Global Warming>>
In this story some dangerous effects of global warming was told us by numbers. If we look at that we can put in order the headlines like,

2.Economic consequences
3.Increased probability and intensity of droughts and heat waves
4.Warmer waters and more hurricanes
5.Spread of disease
And our last article about global warming is;
- Experts contest CO2 emmisions report>>
According to this story, officials and experts have contested a recent report that said China had for the first time overtaken the United States as the world's top producer of carbon dioxide (CO2).
The report, released on Tuesday by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, said China overtook the US in emissions of CO2 by 8 percent in 2006. While China was 2 percent below the US in 2005, coal consumption and increased cement production had caused the numbers to rise rapidly.
The details are in the original stories that we link.
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