Unfortunately water consumption increased much more in the past 50 years, although there are limited water resources in the world. While total water consumption was 1000km3 in 1940, this amount of consumption was doubled in 1960 and in 1990 it reached 4130 km3.

Water consumption for a person in the world is about 8000 m3 in a year. 1,4 billion of people in the world can’t drink enough water. 2,3 billion of people are missing the healty water. According to some guesses, 3 billion and above people in the world will be faced with water famine in 2025 and following years. Additionally, the countries that will be in water distress's number will be 54 in 2050.
resource: picture 1(top-rgiht): www.iyonizesu.com, pic 2(bottom-left): www.aski.gov.tr and here
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